Kotpal, R. L's books list

No.TitlePublish Year
1.Concepts of ecology1975
2.Mollusca : a textbook for college & university students1979
3.Concepts of genetics1980
4.Modern textbook of zoology : invertevrates1979
5.Protozoa : a textbook for college & university students1978
6.Porifera : a textbook for college & university students1978
7.A Textbook of coelenterata : for all Indian universities1974
8.A Text book of echinodermata1975
9.Annelida : a text book for all universities1977
10.Porifera : a textbook for college & university students1978
11.Coelenterata : a textbook for college & university students1979
12.Helminthes : a textbook for college & university students1978
13.Arthropoda : a textbook for college & university students1978
14.A text book of protozoa1973